Client Services Program

As an outgrowth of SHARE's two housing programs, our third program, the Client Services Program, offers social services and case management on behalf of Sonoma County for individuals in non-congregate shelters and transitional housing. With over 120 individuals in the program, SHARE’s ongoing supportive services, continuing assessments and resources help remind clients that they are not alone, that they matter to us.
When individuals in our programs see that the surrounding community cares about them, they’re much more likely to care about the surrounding community in return.
Through significant increases in grant awards by the County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors and the Department of Health Services, further collaborations with other service providers offering homelessness services, and our donorship, SHARE’s impact continues to grow and create a truly virtuous cycle.
As a consequence of this virtuous cycle, our clients commonly seek to pay it forward as they regain their footing. By reaching out to others facing homelessness, they can help mitigate the financial stressors associated with housing insecurity and the social isolation of being homeless in unexpectedly positive and rewarding ways, benefitting everyone.