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What is home sharing?

Home sharing is a living
arrangement between two or
more unrelated individuals to
share a home. SHARE's focus
and passion is facilitating living solutions for individuals and families experiencing financial challenges and homelessness.


SHARE (Shared Housing And Resource Exchange) Sonoma County works to provide affordable and attainable housing to help seniors age in place. SHARE facilitates secure home shares for homeowners and renters who are currently stressed financially, experiencing life transitions, looking for companionship, or needing basic assistance (a service exchange) to help them thrive and remain safely at home. SHARE's Home Shares are living arrangements between two or more unrelated people, one of whom is 60 years of age or older, who agree to share a home or apartment for their mutual benefit. Each person has their own bedroom and possibly bathroom, while sharing common living areas.

Our Mission

At SHARE Sonoma County, our mission is to provide housing solutions to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. We are committed to creating a community where everyone has a place to call home. To learn more about our programs and their overall impact, select the SHARE Program tab in the top menu.​​​

How to reach SHARE

We want to hear from individuals looking to share their homes and those looking for safe, affordable housing. We are eager to help.
We would also love to hear about any opportunities to partner with private or public benefactors.


Click here for 
SHARE's Discrimination Policy.

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If you have a home to share or need a home, please contact us via email or phone:

phone: 707-766-8800





Thank you for your interest in SHARE.
We look forward to hearing from you.

2901 Cleveland Ave., Suite 204, Santa Rosa 95401
501(c)(3) FEIN 81-3993230

Copyright 2024, SHARE Sonoma County, all rights reserved

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